Hafa Adai! The Guam Experience

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wishing it was warmer

Hey everyone, we are back home and the flight was fine considering the hours. Going to the Brewers game w/ Stacy Schmidt on Thursday out at Wrigley. Can't wait!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


If you've watched SportsCenter in the last century Tre-bien means 3..good! So its down to 3 days and tonight (in 1 hour, brenda starts her last shift) and she is extremely pumped about it. My so called diet made it 1 day...again! and I'm off to wine and crackers again too. I bringing Brenda and her crew some doughnuts for breakfast and a bottle of champagne for after (7am). After that, we are going to layout for a while and then hit up some shops. Tonight we just packed what we could and shared a bottle of wine and triscuts in our little shack. Other than that, can't wait to "boonie stomp" some drinks down as Bennett would say...I know if we are up to it, we would like to go out for some drinks on that Sunday with friends/family if anyone can make it. Not sure if we are sold as I have no idea what we'll be like after 24 hours on a flight with the Japanese! Enjoying our last couple days here and see you soon. Go Crew, just found out we beat the Phillys with Princes 2 HR's.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

6...6 days of Guam left

Yes, 6 days left. It will be nice to see an oven again and carpet for that fact. I think upon our arrival, we'll take pictures of ovens at our parents houses and full sized fridges. Today, we went out to a sushi buffet and it was great. Some of Brenda's co-workers threw a going away party for her and it was very nice at the Hyatt. Other than that, Brenda is working from 3-11 today and then three 11-7 and then she has off on Friday and Saturday and our flight leaves Sunday. Other than that, not much, just trying to bake in the sun for the final couple days to get a nice tan. I think I've hit a ceiling though and am getting whiter. Take care everyone.

Friday, April 18, 2008

9 ah ah ah

Well, not much has happened...Brenda and I watched American Gangsters yesterday on our big screen. Well...a 17" computer screen is big, right??? Brenda is at work and helped deliver twins yesterday so to me, that is very cool, for her, just another day on the job. Oh, I've spoiled my diet and excersice plan. wine and naked chips were to hard to turn away. Going to sign up for a 5k right now that I will run tomorrow. Brenda works 3-11 today and 7am-3pm tomorrow so not much of a break for her, but then she has off until Monday. Take care and I found the widget to play our "last 10 days" song. Just listen to the music that plays when you go on the blog. Also, I thought I was pretty clever with a pic of The Count. Maybe I've just been away from reality too long though? I'll write tomorrow so until then...God bless and take care.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Its the Final Countdown! (Insert Rocky 4 Clip)

10 days...ah ah ah (count dracula will be the theme for the last 10 days).
Well, a lot has come and gone, namely Dan and time since the last time I blogged. My brother Rob has made me aware of this via facebook. The first night Dan was here, we went to Jimmy Dee's on the beach for some fire dancing and to show Dan a little Island life. The rest of the time Dan was here, it was a lot of R & R. Although we went for a couple hikes to the caves we were in before and then to Mt. Lam Lam. Brenda, Dan and I had a great time going to these places (I was the only one at both before, so I was with a couple of newbies). Another Day we went to Jeffs Pirate Cove and made a nice day out of it learning how to make fish out of palm tree leaves and hanging out with our buddy Teke again. We also went to Two Lovers Point, the short story about the name is that it was an arranged marriage gone bad because the girl wanted a local Chammorro boy and that just couldnt happen...so....they went to the top of this cliff (TLP) and took the leap. Story over, sad...yes...true...yes. Another venture we went on was to visit all the main beaches that Japan stormed, followed up by the US some years later. You'll have to look at all the pics that are being put up.
Today, Brenda went and got her hair done and my little blonde is back! Just a little other note, I'm on a diet the last ten days (strict) so that I'm not a fatty upon our return. After all, with a nice tan, you want to look good, right??? and not like buddah. Well, off for my second run of the day...see, it is a strict workout and diet plan...AND No Drinks.

Something else funny...This Sunday 4/20/08 one of Brenda's co-workers is holding a Kareoke party for us. Could be fun...right????? Well, this co-worker is SDA, which is a religion that doesn't believe in drinking at all. So on Saturday night (CST) I would like everyone to think about Brenda and I singing soberly at a party full of Fillipinos that will most likely make fun of us "howlies" (hawaiian for mainlanders) in their language. Man its going to suck actually hearing how bad we are. I mean, in a bar, you dont have to hear yourself, but in a house....I'll try to take video so everyone can get a good laugh. I'm touching up in the shower on my Elvis, hopefully they have that on the playlist!!
Alright, enough rambling...Miss everyone and see you soon.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Crew

SO....as I got back from our boonie stomp today (we went to Pagot Caves) I was watching ESPN for some Brewer highlights. I was laughing histarically...first because the Crew is putting some woopings together and secondly, I saw a bunch of drunks cruising around on the home runs hit by Billy Hall. This is my first home opener that I missed and I can only imagine...if I would have remembered the first 8 home openers I've been too. Anyhow, just nice to relate to home a bit.

Our boonie stomp went to Pagot Caves today. Brenda and Anne both came along and it was absolutely amazing. Not many pictures will be up because we had to be in water to get to the big caves. I know, I dont have a camera, but I'm sure Anne didnt want her's to face the same fate as mine. The cave was like a little Miller Park, but pitch black, except for the glow sticks that were thrown in the water. It was like something out of a movie and it made Brenda feel like she was in a group...The Goonies! I would say the little Miller Park (roof closed) was about 50 yards by 30 yards and the water was anywhere from 2-8 feet. It was truly amazing and Brenda and I feel that it was the coolest place we have ever seen in our lives. Sorry, pics wouldnt really show up in there so the camera stayed out and for the above reason of fates. Take care.

Still...pictures are a thing of the past

Hey everyone, well...I dropped my camera in the Tarzan Falls so I'll have to wait to take picture with Annes camera. Also, Joe S left yesterday and my buddy Dan gets here in 30 some hours. Should be a great time. We'll have to watch NCAA Final Four games at 11am here at a beach bar, but ya know, someones got to bite the bullet. Other than that, not much new because we are in a routine now and nothing is really knew. We dont know where we are next but we are keeping our options open to California, Cape Cod or Milwaukee. We'll see what God has planned for us. However, we do know that we are going to be vacationing in Santa Barbara on June 19th - 25th or so for Summer Solstice. Should be a great time. Have a good day everyone!