Hafa Adai! The Guam Experience

Friday, March 28, 2008

Wishing for Ruby Slippers at times

Hello to all who are reading/viewing our blog and photos! (It's Brenda-Joe usually does this) So it is 6:00am now in Guam and I am anxiously awaiting 7 when I get off of work for the night. Not that I wasn't thankful before, but recently I have been so thankful for everything that I have been given in life. Living in South eastern Wisconsin may be not so fun at times (snow, cold, more snow, freezing, more snow-not that I know a whole lot about that now), but I really am thinking that there is no place like home. I know everyone sees the photos of the beach, sun, and fun that we are having-don't get me wrong-it is nice and we do have a lot of cool experiences, but as we are getting to the end of our trip we have been really missing everyone and everything about home. The hospital here is really wearing me out, and I think my complaining about it is wearing Joe out (he needs something to wear him out!). Every time that anyone gets sick, needs medical care, has a baby, etc. PLEASE be thankful for what we have at home. This place is pretty aweful and most people don't even know it. Also be thankful for our urban planning, water treatment facilities, and things like that. This week there was a sewage spill at the beach of Joe's favorite hang out Jimmy Dees and everyone has been getting sick because of the water! (they are still dragging the Japanese tourists through it on banana boat rides-sick) Also, be thankful for law enforcement-cops here are paid minimum wage and literally hang out in our hotel lobby to watch TV all night even though there is tons of unreported crime and domestic violence on the island. Anyway, just thought I could be the one to share some of the not so great things about Guam. We'll be home soon and can't wait-even Joe who is having a great vacation has realized that he actually likes work-or maybe he just says that so that I'm not jealous... Love you guys and miss everyone very much,

Very thankful for home, the experiences that I have been given here, and lessons learned,



Anonymous said...

Hey Lady, good blog!!! but your supposed to let everyone know that life is absolutely great and that nothing is wrong here. Just kidding. Brenda is right, we miss everyone, cultural shock is starting to set in, but dont think that this place is bad at all, it truly is beautiful and like every other place, there are bad things. Lets shine the light on the good and love what god gave us.

Anonymous said...

Hey brenda! It is pretty interesting to hear all of those things about Guam. I am sure delivering babies in Guam is much different than here! We will have to discuss that sometime!! Good luck with the rest of your stay and travels!!
Kari G. (Schneider)

Anonymous said...

Dear Brenda,
Thanks for your honesty in your latest post. I'm sure it is a wonderful, beautiful place and we do have so much beauty in this world, but like you say...people is what life is all about, especially the people you love. So, we can't wait to see you soon! Love Ev

Paul said...

Hi Guys,
It really is amazing and annoying how we all forget the little things inour lives that when we don't have them, we realize how much they truly mean to us. I can relate with you guys. We all miss you very much and can't wait to see you guys! Joe, Brewers are 1-0 with game 2 at wrigley tomorrow at 1pm central. Doyou see the games at all? peace and God Bless, Paul

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