Hafa Adai! The Guam Experience

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Its some Fish, a Run, Couples Massage, Palm Sunday and St. Patty's Day all on Tumon Bay

This past week we went on a 5k run that benefited fitness here on Guam. It was a ton of fun and we also got a shirt for running in it. Brenda did great in it and finished in the top 1/4 of women. Joe S. and I also finished in the top 1/4 of the competitors. These finishes were all very good for us considering we were the last 3 competitors in line at the starting point.
The other day Brenda and I also got a couples massage. It was my first massage ever and let me tell you...it felt great and Brenda said "it was the best massage she ever had". I like to think it was because I was there with her. Great spa in general and I was very impressed and it made us both feel more rejuvinated.
Last Tuesday, we went deep sea fishing on the Mumulan II. Our captain was Joyto "Joe" for short. He was great and our excursion was outstanding. We had a completely sunny day, 4 mahi mahi, and a great time with great friends. The picturs are in our Guam Album! Joe Smycheck got a little sea sick but not bad at all. Joyto fillets the dolphin right on the dock and we ate some sashimi, outstanding! He then filleted the rest out which we cook out every other day or so by our pool. Brenda was REALLY happy that she got out on a boat and I think it took some stress off her from all the late hours she had to work that week at the Hospital.
Yesterday, we went to church for Palm Sunday and next Sunday we are going to church for Easter. The church we go to has a 6am sunrise beach service so we are going to that one. I'll take some pictures of the view next sunday. The people at the church have been very friendly and they always have a potluck after church. We are going to have the free breakfast at the church after the sunrise beach service.
Today is St. Patty's Day!!!! Somehow, Brenda and Anne both have off today so we are going to drink some nice cold green beer today. I'll take some pictures and update the blog later this week about it. Gotta go find some green shirts although I think Brenda and I both have green t's here, so no problem.
I met a bartender here that is here because of her husband and the military. The world is so small because her parents best friends are my parents friends too. It was crazy to have someone know where Grafton was. It was too funny and it got me a free beer too!!!
Brenda is doing very good at her job, but it is very different from the hospitals she is used too. She has to work a lot of nights and doesnt get 2 days off in a row, except this weekend (Easter weekend) she has off Saturday and Sunday. Wooohooo!!! The hospital is not really up to standards but they do use the same medicine as back home so nothing too drastic. I usually drop/pick her up from work everyday, which is nice and it gives me a chance to go up in her Unit to see how things are going. Other than that, I'll let Brenda update you about her job when she gets a chance. I'll take some pictures the next time I visit so everyone can see it.
The other day, I went with a doctor Brenda works with to the ocean and he taught me how to Kite Surf. It was a lot of fun and I can't believe how powerful it is, one time the kite threw me a good distance and it felt like a giant picked me up and threw me. The Doctor said I was a natural though, I told him I wasn't surprised that I picked it up quick because I'm a Nowak. HA, just kidding.
Well, miss everyone very much and cant wait to see everyone when we return to Milwaukee for a week or so (April 27th, 6pm arrival). Things are gooing good out here and its always nice to see people commenting on our blog or sending us emails. Thanks everyone and Happy St. Patty's Day!


Anonymous said...

Fishing, beach, beer, warm weather, and a sugar momma...how did you get so lucky?

Enjoyed all the pictures, thanks!

PS. So who was that hot blonde on the boat with Beckham?

Paul said...

Hey Guys,Joe sorry about losing you on the phone yesterday. Tell Brenda we say Hafa Adai and that we miss her as well. Allison, Paul and Booker miss you all and wish you all the best! Nice pics and look to my myspace page for a video of Booker. (nothing yet, but will be soon!)

Anonymous said...

Joe and Brenda

LOVED YOUR PICTURES. Joe..you really should be a photographer..your pictures are really great! It helps to have a beautiful girl (Brenda) and a gorgeous backdrop (Guam) and a handsome guy (my son..DUCK). I'm glad you'll be back April 27th..we'll look forward to seeing you. Can you and Brenda still watch Natalie when Dad and I go to Miami? We'll be back Friday, March 2nd a little earlier than we planned (originally Sunday, May 4) because we are going to Breanne Schultz wedding. You two are invited too.
Natalie is standing here and she says hi. She was home from school today with a 101.3 fever, bad coughing and sore throat and body aches. There is alot of flu going around.
We saw Booker yesterday. He is a handsome dog...really good sized and quite loveable. Makes me want a boxer!
Tomorrow we go and see Gabriel at his last swimming lesson demonstrating all that he learned! You should see how Graeme and Gabriel are growing. Time goes so fast.
Looking at your pictures makes me realize how fast all of you grow up and lead your own lives and that there is so much out there to grab...glad to see you doing that and still keeping God in focus. We love you very much.. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

How cute. A duckie reference from moms.

Anonymous said...

Joe/Brenda, I tried to use this thing a couple of times, but must have screwed up...Moms here now, so its the blind leading the blind. We saw you two on the boat and both said; almost at the same time...shit; don't you wish we were there and a whole lot younger! (but this is your time and we are reliving our youth through you guys! We love you both! Saw that you were going to be in town April 27....Your invitation is here for Breanne and Tom's wedding on May 3 in Oshkosh...should we rsvp for you and Brenda? We are going and we'll be coming home from Miami the night before...we could get you a room at the Holiday...redeem some points...but of course, you have to by us drinks! Where's Brenda's next assignment? Choices? Everyones here for Easter, and we'll be coloring your eggs tonight and we'll be having Turkey and Ham....cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, and buns, salad, french silk pie, and deviled eggs....Gabriel and Graeme will hunt for eggs and toys in the afternoon and we'll be thinking about you the whole time!

mom thought you'd be interested... I spent this week in Cleveland and next week on the road w/salespeople "listening" to customers...developing strategies, responsibilities, timelines, and frankly I'm drained.....not sure it's worth the extra bucks, but someone has to do it...Here's to you and Brenda...I love you! Dad!